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An FAQ on creating FAQs


We got a bit meta and decided to create a series of frequently asked questions about creating frequently-asked-questions content.

3 of the best types of content to create through Q3


Maintaining engagement will be crucial in the next few months. Here are the best ways to stay connected with your audience through Q3.

Is BuzzSumo the key to creating endlessly engaging content? [Review & tutorial]


BuzzSumo is a research and analysis tool designed with the needs of content marketers in mind.

What is a webinar and what’s involved in hosting one?


If you’ve been wondering about webinars lately, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for all the juicy details of webinar hosting.

18 surefire ways to come up with clever article ideas every time


Keep your blog page stacked with high-quality articles by following these content ideation tips.

Turning conversations into content (+ 10 unique ways to repurpose them)


A good quote can go a long way. Here’s how to prepare for, conduct and use (and re-use and re-use) interviews in your marketing strategy.

How to ask for a review: Top tips for case studies, testimonials and beyond


Whether you’re encouraging B2C customers to review your products or setting up case studies with your B2B clients – or anything in between – your pursuit of third-party feedback can be an essential part of your company’s content strategy.

5 of the best writing tools to improve your marketing content and copywriting skills


Try using these five writing tools to improve your content creation skills.

How Brafton content marketers use mindfulness to create content that converts


Learn more about mindfulness and what it means in marketing from some of Brafton’s finest content creators.